Energy Saving Facts and Tips
The Facts
Around a quarter of the UK’s carbon dioxide emissions come from UK homes, amounting to over 40 million tonnes each year
The average household emits around 6 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year, which could easily be reduced by around two tonnes, through improved energy efficiency
The average household spends £1385 on energy each year, considerably more nowadays and over 50% more than an energy efficient home. This amounts to over £5 billion of energy wasted annually
In 2010, consumer electronics became the biggest single user of domestic electricity,overtaking the areas of lighting and cold appliances such as fridges and freezers
UK emissions of CO2 currently account for about 2% of the global total
At present, renewable energy provides only 2.7% of UK electricity and less than 1% of overall energy use
Carbon dioxide is the main gas contributing to climate change and the level of emissions will only rise if we continue to live as we do. The likely consequential effects of global warming are serious, including rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions such as flooding and drought.
As a homeowner, you have a significant part to play in the fight against global warming so reducing your energy use and wastage is one of the most important things you can do. Time and effort invested in making your home more energy efficient will considerably reduce your carbon output and can also lead to significant savings on your utility bills.In April 2012,the Government’s GREEN DEAL Funding Initiative can help you do this
Hints & Tips
- Washing your laundry at 30°C can save you 40% of the electricity used to wash at 40°C
- Always wash a full load as this will use less water than two half loads
- Use the tumble drier as little as possible by drying clothes outside or place on a clothes rail in an unheated room
- Lighting accounts for 15% of a typical UK household electricity bill so
- always switch off lights before you leave a room.
- An energy saving light bulb uses 20% of the energy of a traditional light bulb, lasts 12 times longer and will cut £7 off your annual electricity bill
- In a typical home around 20% of heat is wasted through draughts around window and door frames. Fitting draught excluders such as adhesives, sealants or brushes could save you around £20 a year on heating bills
- Secondary glazing using polythene sheeting will also help to reduce draughts and heat loss
- Turning the thermostat down by 1°C will cut heating bills by 10% and save around £30 per year.
- Fit a timer switch on your thermostat so heating and hot water are only switched on when needed
- Fitting boards covered with aluminium behind your radiators to cut down on the amount of heat lost through the back
- Defrost fridges and freezers regularly as when they are filled with frost they have to work harder to stay cold.
- Try not to open the fridge more than necessary; for every minute a fridge door is open it takes three minutes of electricity use for the fridge to cool back down
- Do not put hot food straight in the fridge or freezer as it will have to use extra energy to cool down to its optimum temperature
- Take a 5 minute shower instead of a bath and cut your water bill by up to £50 per year.
- Fit a new reduced flow showerhead which will cost you around £20 but can reduce water consumption by up to 50% for each shower
- A water saving device such as the Savaflush fitted into your toilet cistern will cut down the water used by up to 3 litres a flush
- Apply for a Free Water Saving Device by visiting the offers section at The Renewable Energy Centre
- Use a water butt to collect rainwater which falls on the roof or garden, store it and then use it to water the garden or wash the car when needed. They cost around £20
- Fit a British Standard insulating jacket for your hot water tank. They are around 7.5cm thick, cost around £10 and can cut bills by up to £15 a year
- Only boil as much water as you need and you couldreduce your electricity bill up to £30 per year
- Switch off all Appliances-Save £11 annually by switching off all appliances instead of leaving them on standby
For more information on Home Energy Saving visit – Many of these recommendations may seem petty and condescending – Apologies, but if each family acted on them, these savings would be sufficient to power 10 of UKs largest cities at no extra cost !!